SAE AS22759/184

SAE AS22759/184

M22759/184 is a large size, high performance aerospace hook-up wire insulated with four layers of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape and PTFE/polyamide/PTFE tape, with an outer layer of polyamide braid for superior resistance. These wires are designed for aerospace and other applications requiring thermal stability, lightweight and high break strength.

Conductor:           Nickel Plated Copper
Insulation:            PTFE/polyimide/PTFE tape, covered with PTFE tape
Temp Rating:       260°C
Voltage Rating:   600 Volts R.M.S.
M27500 Type:

Blake Part NumberAWGStrandingInsulation Diameter
Insulation Diameter
BSPW-20002-X2665 x 300.3600.380227
BSPW-20001-X1817 x 300.4000.420295
BSPW-20001/0-X1/01045 x 300.4420.462351
BSPW-20002/0-X2/01330 x 300.4980.528432
BSPW-20003/0-X3/01665 x 300.5540.584542
BSPW-20004/0-X4/02109 x 300.6150.655689
Custom Cable

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ISO standards are maintained by the International Organization for Standardization. AS9100 is a widely adopted and standardized quality management system for the aerospace industry that was released in October 1999, by the Society of Automotive Engineers and the European Association of  
